The type of undying Monster Girls whose souls revived from death with their souls corrupted by Mamono Mana, including necromancy spells such as Blessing of Undeath and Secret Art of Raise. There are some exceptions, such as Doppelganger which is a fusion of the lingering regret of those who lost love and mamono mana. Undead monsters are thought to be virtually immortal[1], with their physical bodies stopping degradation like those of the living[2]. Although undead monsters have existed since the ancient era of the former mamono lords, the undead monsters in previous era are nothing but soulless animated corpses. In contrast, due to the erosive and binding effects of mamono mana after the ascension of the current mamono lord, the undead monsters in the current era are revived with their body functions restored and even capable of reproduction.
The undead type including all mamono from ghost and zombie families.